North Carolina Student Success Center
The North Carolina Student Success Center (NC SSC) supports North Carolina’s 58 community colleges as they educate more than 700,000 students each year. The NC SSC provides services, training, and expertise that help colleges meet students’ academic needs, address challenges created by poverty, and institute changes to improve completion rates for their students. We developed a site architecture that helps visitors understand the NC SSC’s broad range of services and easily find the content they need. We then wrote and designed the site.
Guided Pathways Resource Center
We helped the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) develop this website that supports colleges as they design and implement guided pathways. The site presents more than 300 resources that were authored or produced by a variety of organizations. The resources include training modules, tools, print materials, and examples from colleges. The site also features videos in which a range of people share their experiences and expertise. Perhaps most important, it includes videos of students explaining how pathways help them make informed educational choices and then stay on track.
National Center for Inquiry and Improvement
The National Center for Inquiry and Improvement (NCII) is a leader in helping community colleges implement authentic change so they can help more students attain their academic and life goals. NCII’s Attitude, Agency, and Intensive Implementation (A2I2) Cohort is a group of college that engages in deep-dive work on implementing guided pathways and student financial stability reforms. We crafted messaging for NCII, named the A2I2 Cohort, and developed the organization’s website.
BARR is a unique model that helps schools meet students’ academic, social, and emotional needs. The program works with a school’s existing structure and staffing. In addition to designing the organization’s logo, developing messages, and crafting its tagline, we developed a website that explains its a comprehensive model, which works with a school’s existing structure and staffing.